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Bad guys have begun using the NTP monlist query to perform denial-of-service (DoS) amplification attacks. This page describes how to configure your ntpd to disable queries, to prevent it from being used in these attacks. Although current attacks are using monlist, it is possible future attacks could use some other query type.

Cyber security requires all ntpd at the Lab to disable queries or limit them to particular subnets or hosts. Hosts not restricting ntpd may be blocked.

Disable Queries (recommended)

Modify your ntp.conf file, which is usually located in /etc. Add the "noquery" statement to the configuration file. Below is an example of a minimal configuration file with the noquery option set.  Next restart the ntp deamon, typically by "service ntpd restart".

restrict default nopeer nomodify notrap noquery

If you need additional help configuring or restarting ntpd for you operating system, try Google. If that fails, we can help you at [email protected].


You can verify queries are disallowed by attempting peers, monlist, and reslist quereis from a remote computer and making sure no results are received. For example, below is a properly configured ntpd, notice it will not return any results when the ntpdc command is issued.

Properly Configured

ntpdc -c monlist <> timed out, nothing received
ntpdc -c peers <> timed out, nothing received

ntpdc -c reslist <> timed out, nothing received

Incorrectly Configured

ntpdc -c monlist <>
remote address      port local address      count m ver code avgint  lstint
<host>              123  <IP>              581 4 4      0    887     962
<host>              123  <IP>            10786 4 3      0    355      73

ntpdc -c peers <>
remote           local      st poll reach  delay   offset    disp
<host>         16   64    0 0.00000  0.000000 16.0000

ntpdc -c reslist <>
address          mask            count        flags
<host>         0  ntpport, interface, ignore

Other Alternatives

In some situations (we are not aware of many) it may be required to allow remote computers to perform queries. In this case, you should modify ntp.conf to use the restrict statement to limit queries from specified subnets or hosts. The more restrictive, the better. Allowing queries to all of Internet or all of LBLnet is not allowed. 

Limit Queries

# Default policy prevents queries 
restrict default nopeer nomodify notrap noquery

# Allow queries from a particular subnet
restrict 131.243.x.0 mask nopeer nomodify notrap
nomodify notrap

# Allow queries from a particular host
restrict 131.243.x.x nopeer nomodify notrap noquery

# Unrestrict localhost

Limit IPv6 Queries

Are you ready for IPv6? The Lab has not yet widely deployed IPv6. As IPv6 is deployed, additional configuration is required to limit to specific IPv6 hosts and subnets, and example is below.

# Default policy prevents queries 
restrict -6 default nopeer nomodify notrap noquery

# Allow queries from the a specific v6 subnet
restrict -6 2620:83:8000:x:: mask ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: nopeer
nomodify notrap

# Allow queries from a specific v6 host
restrict -6 2620:83:8000:x::64 nopeer nomodify notrap noquery


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